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Communication as Key

Staff at Sunflowers treasure the time we get to spend with your children.  We also recognise what an honour it is to be able to do just that.  
Whether your child is a baby or about to start school, the learning journey is very much a shared experience, blossoming with enjoyment and enthusiasm.  Staff endeavour to achieve this through really knowing the children in their care; their interests, learning styles and developing strong, supportive relationships with children and parents alike.  We do this in a variety of ways:

Regular conversations with your child’s Key Person:
Every child has a key person and their role is especially important. Research and evidence show that children thrive when their needs are met by special people that they know, trust and respect. Familiarity, pattern and predictability support children’s personal development and helps them understand who they are and what they can do, so having a key person who is attentive and knows the child well will support children in their personal, social and emotional development.  Your child’s key person will do their best to speak to you when they are on shift, even if just to say hi at drop off or collection.   
Parents are made aware of their child’s key person verbally (when their child starts) and via the Key person display on the entrance to the nursery.  

The FAMLY app:
Communication is key in any relationship, and none more so than the relationship you have with your child's nursery. At Sunflowers we use an app called ‘Famly’ which allows our nursery staff to share photos, videos and instant messages with parents and also for parents to share information with nursery via their mobile phones, tablets or laptops. All data stored on Famly is protected securely and compliant with data protection regulations including the new General Data Protection Regulation effective from May 2018

Parents are able to:
•    Stay informed of their child's learning and development through their online learning journal.
•    See photos and videos of their children's day in the newsfeed 
•    Receive and send private messages to staff safely and securely
•    Report sick days and holiday to the nursery 
•    View their child's sessions and invoices

Informal / Daily updates:
Staff are keen to share key highlights of your child’s day and this is typically done on collection.  Each child has a specific Keyworker, and this person will always try to handover when they are on shift.  However, being the open plan, family feel nursery that we are, we are fortunate that staff get to know all of the children. 
Sessions at Sunflowers are carefully planned, taking into account children’s interests, learning styles and needs.  The opportunities which we create are intended to enthuse and inspire children in their learning; from fun sharing focussed games to STEM activities.  Whenever possible, we take photos and create daily newsfeeds to share with parents and families.

Other opportunities for communication include parent meetings held termly, reports open days or special events such as Mothers Day themed, Fathers day themed or graduation.  In addition, parents are welcome to message staff via the FAMLY app.

Useful links and resources for parents and carers:
Safer sleeping advice

Early Help is a pathway to supporting parents/carers and their child as they grow up when they may need further support or guidance. 

A guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage for parents and carers

Support for  your child's language skills. Explore simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers' amazing early development. 

Support to buy essential foods - if you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. 

Potty training advice
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